We accept the following methods of payment:

In case you want to pay with PayPal but do not have a PayPal account, you can safely and
easily use the services as a “guest”. If PayPal does not support your currency, your payment
will automatically be charged in U.S dollars.

If you’re unable to pay with PayPal:
Check with PayPal to see if your account has a transaction limit.
According to PayPal rules, the shipping address and the billing address must be in the same country, otherwise the payment will be declined.
Try to use incognito mode or a different browser/device.
If PayPal is still not working, please use your debit or credit card (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express).

At personalizedmade, we take your privacy very seriously and the whole process is completely secure.

We have an SSL Certificate, which is widely accepted as a standard technology using encryption algorithms to protect your data, and prevent hackers from reading or modifying your sensitive information.
Your personal details are kept safe and your credit card information is not stored on our servers.
We verify each transaction with the credit company and only process orders after the credit company authorizes them. Also, on credit/debit cards, CVV verification is required before your order can be completed.